Insights, Trends and Perspectives in our Industry
At Trinity Pension Consultants, we have more than 200 years of experience between our Executive and Management teams in the retirement plan space. Every day, we leverage that expertise to bring a fresh perspective to the marketplace.
Defined Benefit Lump Sum
22 Nov 2022
SECURE 2.0 Act: Tax credit for employer contributions
Startup 401(k) Safe-Harbor Deadline
September 17th, 2021, is the deadline for all startup 401(k) Safe-Harbor retirement plans.
03 Aug 2021
Announcement for Northeast Ohio Advisors
We would like to announce our newest Regional Vice President - Retirement Sales, Andy Bruno, CRPS
02 Aug 2021
5 Reasons to Start a 401(k) Safe Harbor Retirement Plan
03 May 2021
Your Tennessee Update for Financial Advisors
We are excited to announce our growth in the Tennessee market! BETH CUNNINGHAM, Regional Vice President Retirement Sales, will be spearheading our expansion.
15 May 2020
Your Kentucky and Cincinnati Update for Financial Advisors
We are excited to announce your Kentucky and Cincinnati Regional Vice President / Retirement Sales, JULIE YOCUM, QPA, QKA.
16 Apr 2020
Your Indiana Update for Advisors
We are excited to announce your Indiana Regional Vice President / Retirement Sales, STEVEN D. SHACKELFORD
CARES Act: The Major Provisions That Affect Your Retirement Plan
What it is, who qualifes, what has changed, and what to do with the CARES Act.
06 Apr 2020
SECURE Act: What it means for your retirement plan business
The purpose of the SECURE Act legislation is to make it easier for individuals to save for retirement through their employer’s qualified retirement plan.
24 Jan 2020
The 5 Steps to Increasing Assets Under Management with Cash Balance Plans
The following are practical tips on how to increase assets under management with cash balance plans.
02 Oct 2019
What Does a TPA do?
What’s the real difference between…
14 Feb 2019